The color picker won't show up

Here a little solution that can be useful for anybody is facing this mindblowing problem.

Time ago, I was struggling to try to open the color picker in the nodes such as grade or color correction nodes. I wanted to open the one in the separate window holding CTRL and clicking on the little color wheel next to the slider control. It simply wouldn’t show up.

At the end of the story I found out why: the window was opening in a place outside my monitor, so I couldn’t see it anywhere.

To solve this problem try following the next steps:

  • Go into your .nuke folder and open the uistate.ini (normally placed in C:/Users/your_name_user/.nuke)
  • Look for the WindowLocations section
  • You should have there something like this: ColorPicker=@Rect(993 210 484 583)
  • The numbers you are seeing are simply the pixels coordinates of your screen where the color picker windows should appear once opened. If they are greater than your monitor resolution then you will never be able to see it, so it’s enough to change this numbers to something inside your screen
  • Finally close and reopen nuke and try to open your color picker. If everything is done correctly, then your color picker should appear like normal.

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Thank you for your visit and see you in the next pixel wizard!